The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus Read online

Page 6

  7. Claus Leaves the Forest

  When good Queen Zurline had touched the golden chalice with her fairlips and it had passed around the circle in honor of the travelers'return, the Master Woodsman of the World, who had not yet spoken,turned his gaze frankly upon Claus and said:


  The boy understood, and rose slowly to his feet beside Necile. Onceonly his eyes passed around the familiar circle of nymphs, every one ofwhom he remembered as a loving comrade; but tears came unbidden to dimhis sight, so he gazed thereafter steadfastly at the Master.

  "I have been ignorant," said he, simply, "until the great Ak in hiskindness taught me who and what I am. You, who live so sweetly in yourforest bowers, ever fair and youthful and innocent, are no fit comradesfor a son of humanity. For I have looked upon man, finding him doomedto live for a brief space upon earth, to toil for the things he needs,to fade into old age, and then to pass away as the leaves in autumn.Yet every man has his mission, which is to leave the world better, insome way, than he found it. I am of the race of men, and man's lot ismy lot. For your tender care of the poor, forsaken babe you adopted,as well as for your loving comradeship during my boyhood, my heart willever overflow with gratitude. My foster-mother," here he stopped andkissed Necile's white forehead, "I shall love and cherish while lifelasts. But I must leave you, to take my part in the endless struggleto which humanity is doomed, and to live my life in my own way."

  "What will you do?" asked the Queen, gravely.

  "I must devote myself to the care of the children of mankind, and tryto make them happy," he answered. "Since your own tender care of ababe brought to me happiness and strength, it is just and right that Idevote my life to the pleasure of other babes. Thus will the memory ofthe loving nymph Necile be planted within the hearts of thousands of myrace for many years to come, and her kindly act be recounted in songand in story while the world shall last. Have I spoken well, O Master?"

  "You have spoken well," returned Ak, and rising to his feet hecontinued: "Yet one thing must not be forgotten. Having been adoptedas the child of the Forest, and the playfellow of the nymphs, you havegained a distinction which forever separates you from your kind.Therefore, when you go forth into the world of men you shall retain theprotection of the Forest, and the powers you now enjoy will remain withyou to assist you in your labors. In any need you may call upon theNymphs, the Ryls, the Knooks and the Fairies, and they will serve yougladly. I, the Master Woodsman of the World, have said it, and my Wordis the Law!"

  Claus looked upon Ak with grateful eyes.

  "This will make me mighty among men," he replied. "Protected by thesekind friends I may be able to make thousands of little children happy.I will try very hard to do my duty, and I know the Forest people willgive me their sympathy and help."

  "We will!" said the Fairy Queen, earnestly.

  "We will!" cried the merry Ryls, laughing.

  "We will!" shouted the crooked Knooks, scowling.

  "We will!" exclaimed the sweet nymphs, proudly. But Necile saidnothing. She only folded Claus in her arms and kissed him tenderly.

  "The world is big," continued the boy, turning again to his loyalfriends, "but men are everywhere. I shall begin my work near myfriends, so that if I meet with misfortune I can come to the Forest forcounsel or help."

  With that he gave them all a loving look and turned away. There was noneed to say good by, by for him the sweet, wild life of the Forest wasover. He went forth bravely to meet his doom--the doom of the race ofman--the necessity to worry and work.

  But Ak, who knew the boy's heart, was merciful and guided his steps.

  Coming through Burzee to its eastern edge Claus reached the LaughingValley of Hohaho. On each side were rolling green hills, and a brookwandered midway between them to wind afar off beyond the valley. Athis back was the grim Forest; at the far end of the valley a broadplain. The eyes of the young man, which had until now reflected hisgrave thoughts, became brighter as he stood silent, looking out uponthe Laughing Valley. Then on a sudden his eyes twinkled, as stars doon a still night, and grew merry and wide.

  For at his feet the cowslips and daisies smiled on him in friendlyregard; the breeze whistled gaily as it passed by and fluttered thelocks on his forehead; the brook laughed joyously as it leaped over thepebbles and swept around the green curves of its banks; the bees sangsweet songs as they flew from dandelion to daffodil; the beetleschirruped happily in the long grass, and the sunbeams glintedpleasantly over all the scene.

  "Here," cried Claus, stretching out his arms as if to embrace theValley, "will I make my home!"

  That was many, many years ago. It has been his home ever since. It ishis home now.