The Marvelous Land of Oz Read online

Page 6

  Several of the girls, who stood outside guarding the palace, were knockedover by the Saw-Horse's mad rush. Others ran screaming out of the way, andonly one or two jabbed their knitting-needles frantically at the escapingprisoners. Tip got one small prick in his left arm, which smarted for anhour afterward; but the needles had no effect upon the Scarecrow or JackPumpkinhead, who never even suspected they were being prodded.

  As for the Saw-Horse, he made a wonderful record upsetting a fruit cart,overturning several meek looking men, and finally bowling over the newGuardian of the Gate--a fussy little fat woman appointed by GeneralJinjur.

  Nor did the impetuous charger stop then. Once outside the walls of theEmerald City he dashed along the road to the West with fast and violentleaps that shook the breath out of the boy and filled the Scarecrow withwonder.

  Jack had ridden at this mad rate once before, so he devoted every effort toholding, with both hands, his pumpkin head upon its stick, enduring meantimethe dreadful jolting with the courage of a philosopher.

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  "Slow him up! Slow him up!" shouted the Scarecrow. "My straw is all shakingdown into my legs."

  But Tip had no breath to speak, so the Saw-Horse continued his wild careerunchecked and with unabated speed.

  Presently they came to the banks of a wide river, and without a pause thewooden steed gave one final leap and launched them all in mid-air.

  A second later they were rolling, splashing and bobbing about in the water,the horse struggling frantically to find a rest for its feet and its ridersbeing first plunged beneath the rapid current and then floating upon thesurface like corks.

  Line-Art Drawing

  109 The Journey to the Tin Woodman

  Tip was well soaked and dripping water from every angle of his body. But hemanaged to lean forward and shout in the ear of the Saw-Horse:

  "Keep still, you fool! Keep still!"

  The horse at once ceased struggling and floated calmly upon the surface, itswooden body being as buoyant as a raft.

  "What does that word 'fool' mean?" enquired the horse.

  "It is a term of reproach," answered Tip, somewhat ashamed of theexpression. "I only use it when I am angry."

  "Then it pleases me to be able to call you a fool, in return," said thehorse. "For I did not make

  110the river, nor put it in our way; so only a term of, reproach is fit for onewho becomes angry with me for falling into the water."

  "That is quite evident," replied Tip; "so I will acknowledge myself in thewrong." Then he called out to the Pumpkinhead: "are you all right, Jack?"

  There was no reply. So the boy called to the King "are you all right, yourmajesty?"

  The Scarecrow groaned.

  "I'm all wrong, somehow," he said, in a weak voice. "How very wet this wateris!"

  Tip was bound so tightly by the cord that he could not turn his head to lookat his companions; so he said to the Saw-Horse:

  "Paddle with your legs toward the shore."

  The horse obeyed, and although their progress was slow they finally reachedthe opposite river bank at a place where it was low enough to enable thecreature to scramble upon dry land.

  With some difficulty the boy managed to get his knife out of his pocket andcut the cords that bound the riders to one another and to the wooden horse.He heard the Scarecrow fall to the ground with a mushy sound, and then hehimself quickly dismounted and looked at his friend Jack.

  The wooden body, with its gorgeous clothing,

  111still sat upright upon the horse's back; but the pumpkin head was gone, andonly the sharpened stick that served for a neck was visible. As for theScarecrow, the straw in his body had shaken down with the jolting and packeditself into his legs and the lower part of his body--which appeared veryplump and round while his upper half seemed like an empty sack. Upon hishead the Scarecrow still wore the heavy crown, which had been sewed on toprevent his losing it; but the head was now so damp and limp that the weightof the gold and jewels sagged forward and crushed the painted face into amass of wrinkles that made him look exactly like a Japanese pug dog.

  Tip would have laughed--had he not been so anxious about his man Jack. Butthe Scarecrow, however damaged, was all there, while the pumpkin head thatwas so necessary to Jack's existence was missing; so the boy seized a longpole that fortunately lay near at hand and anxiously turned again toward theriver.

  Far out upon the waters he sighted the golden hue of the pumpkin, whichgently bobbed up and down with the motion of the waves. At that moment itwas quite out of Tip's reach, but after a time it floated nearer and stillnearer until the boy

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  113was able to reach it with his pole and draw it to the shore. Then he broughtit to the top of the bank, carefully wiped the water from its pumpkin facewith his handkerchief, and ran with it to Jack and replaced the head uponthe man's neck.

  "Dear me!" were Jack's first words. "What a dreadful experience! I wonder ifwater is liable to spoil pumpkins?"

  Tip did not think a reply was necessary, for he knew that the Scarecrow alsostood in need of his help. So he carefully removed the straw from the King'sbody and legs, and spread it out in the sun to dry. The wet clothing he hungover the body of the Saw-Horse.

  "If water spoils pumpkins," observed Jack, with a deep sigh, "then my daysare numbered."

  "I've never noticed that water spoils pumpkins," returned Tip; "unless thewater happens to be boiling. If your head isn't cracked, my friend, you mustbe in fairly good condition."

  "Oh, my head isn't cracked in the least," declared Jack, more cheerfully.

  "Then don't worry," retorted the boy. "Care once killed a cat."

  "Then," said Jack, seriously, "I am very glad indeed that I am not a cat."


  The sun was fast drying their clothing, and Tip stirred up his Majesty'sstraw so that the warm rays might absorb the moisture and make it as crispand dry as ever. When this had been accomplished he stuffed the Scarecrowinto symmetrical shape and smoothed out his face so that he wore his usualgay and charming expression.

  "Thank you very much," said the monarch, brightly, as he walked about andfound himself to be well balanced. "There are several distinct advantages inbeing a Scarecrow. For if one has friends near at hand to repair damages,nothing very serious can happen to you."

  "I wonder if hot sunshine is liable to crack pumpkins," said Jack, with ananxious ring in his voice.

  "Not at all--not at all!" replied the Scarecrow, gaily." All you needfear, my boy, is old age. When your golden youth has decayed we shallquickly part company--but you needn't look forward to it; we'll discoverthe fact ourselves, and notify you. But come! Let us resume our journey. Iam anxious to greet my friend the Tin Woodman."

  So they remounted the Saw-Horse, Tip holding to the post, the Pumpkinheadclinging to Tip, and the Scarecrow with both arms around the wooden form ofJack.

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  "Go slowly, for now there is no danger of pursuit," said Tip to his steed.

  "All right!" responded the creature, in a voice rather gruff.

  "Aren't you a little hoarse?" asked the Pumpkinhead politely.

  The Saw-Horse gave an angry prance and rolled one knotty eye backward towardTip.

  "See here," he growled, "can't you protect me from insult?"

  "To be sure!" answered Tip, soothingly. "I am sure Jack meant no harm. Andit will not do for us to quarrel, you know; we must all remain goodfriends."

  "I'll have nothing more to do with that Pumpkinhead," declared the Saw-Horse, viciously. "he loses his head too easily to suit me."

  There seemed no fitting reply to this spe
ech, so for a time they rode alongin silence.

  After a while the Scarecrow remarked:

  "This reminds me of old times. It was upon this grassy knoll that I oncesaved Dorothy from the Stinging Bees of the Wicked Witch of the West."

  "Do Stinging Bees injure pumpkins?" asked Jack, glancing around fearfully.

  "They are all dead, so it doesn't matter," replied

  117the Scarecrow." And here is where Nick Chopper destroyed the Wicked Witch'sGrey Wolves."

  "Who was Nick Chopper?" asked Tip.

  "That is the name of my friend the Tin Woodman, answered his Majesty. Andhere is where the Winged Monkeys captured and bound us, and flew away withlittle Dorothy," he continued, after they had traveled a little way farther.

  "Do Winged Monkeys ever eat pumpkins?" asked Jack, with a shiver of fear.

  "I do not know; but you have little cause to, worry, for the Winged Monkeysare now the slaves of Glinda the Good, who owns the Golden Cap that commandstheir services," said the Scarecrow, reflectively.

  Then the stuffed monarch became lost in thought recalling the days of pastadventures. And the Saw-Horse rocked and rolled over the flower-strewnfields and carried its riders swiftly upon their way.

  * * * * * * * * *

  Twilight fell, bye and bye, and then the dark shadows of night. So Tipstopped the horse and they all proceeded to dismount.

  "I'm tired out," said the boy, yawning wearily; "and the grass is soft andcool. Let us lie down here and sleep until morning."


  "I can't sleep," said Jack.

  "I never do," said the Scarecrow.

  "I do not even know what sleep is," said the Saw-Horse.

  "Still, we must have consideration for this poor boy, who is made of fleshand blood and bone, and gets tired," suggested the Scarecrow, in his usualthoughtful manner. "I remember it was the same way with little Dorothy. Wealways had to sit through the night while she slept."

  "I'm sorry," said Tip, meekly, "but I can't help it. And I'm dreadfullyhungry, too!"

  "Here is a new danger!" remarked Jack, gloomily. "I hope you are not fond ofeating pumpkins."

  "Not unless they're stewed and made into pies," answered the boy, laughing."So have no fears of me, friend Jack."

  "What a coward that Pumpkinhead is!" said the Saw-Horse, scornfully.

  "You might be a coward yourself, if you knew you were liable to spoil!"retorted Jack, angrily.

  "There!--there!" interrupted the Scarecrow; "don't let us quarrel. We allhave our weaknesses, dear friends; so we must strive to be considerate ofone another. And since this poor boy is hungry and has nothing whatever toeat, let us all remain

  119quiet and allow him to sleep; for it is said that in sleep a mortal mayforget even hunger."

  "Thank you!" exclaimed Tip, gratefully. "Your Majesty is fully as good asyou are wise--and that is saying a good deal!"

  He then stretched himself upon the grass and, using the stuffed form of theScarecrow for a pillow, was presently fast asleep.

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  120 Full page line-art drawing.

  121 A Nickel-Plated Emperor

  Tip awoke soon after dawn, but the Scarecrow had already risen and plucked,with his clumsy fingers, a double-handful of ripe berries from some bushesnear by. These the boy ate greedily, finding them an ample breakfast, andafterward the little party resumed its Journey.

  After an hour's ride they reached the summit of a hill from whence theyespied the City of the Winkies and noted the tall domes of the Emperor'spalace rising from the clusters of more modest dwellings.

  The Scarecrow became greatly animated at this sight, and exclaimed:

  "How delighted I shall be to see my old friend the Tin Woodman again! I hopethat he rules his people more successfully than I have ruled mine!"

  Is the Tin Woodman the Emperor of the Winkies?" asked the horse.

  "Yes, indeed. They invited him to rule over

  122them soon after the Wicked Witch was destroyed; and as Nick Chopper has thebest heart in all the world I am sure he has proved an excellent and ableemperor."

  "I thought that 'Emperor' was the title of a person who rules an empire,"said Tip, "and the Country of the Winkies is only a Kingdom."

  "Don't mention that to the Tin Woodman!" exclaimed the Scarecrow, earnestly."You would hurt his feelings terribly. He is a proud man, as he has everyreason to be, and it pleases him to be termed Emperor rather than King."

  "I'm sure it makes no difference to me," replied the boy.

  The Saw-Horse now ambled forward at a pace so fast that its riders had hardwork to stick upon its back; so there was little further conversation untilthey drew up beside the palace steps.

  An aged Winkie, dressed in a uniform of silver cloth, came forward to assistthem to alight. Said the Scarecrow to his personage:

  "Show us at once to your master, the Emperor."

  The man looked from one to another of the party in an embarrassed way, andfinally answered:

  "I fear I must ask you to wait for a time. The Emperor is not receiving thismorning."


  "How is that?" enquired the Scarecrow, anxiously." I hope nothing hashappened to him."

  "Oh, no; nothing serious," returned the man. "But this is his Majesty's dayfor being polished; and just now his august presence is thickly smeared withputz-pomade."

  "Oh, I see!" cried the Scarecrow, greatly reassured. "My friend was everinclined to be a dandy, and I suppose he is now more proud than ever of hispersonal appearance."

  "He is, indeed," said the man, with a polite bow. "Our mighty Emperor haslately caused himself to be nickel-plated."

  "Good Gracious!" the Scarecrow exclaimed at hearing this. "If his wit bearsthe same polish, how sparkling it must be! But show us in--I'm sure theEmperor will receive us, even in his present state"

  "The Emperor's state is always magnificent," said the man. "But I willventure to tell him of your arrival, and will receive his commandsconcerning you."

  So the party followed the servant into a splendid ante-room, and the Saw-Horse ambled awkwardly after them, having no knowledge that a horse might beexpected to remain outside.


  The travelers were at first somewhat awed by their surroundings, and eventhe Scarecrow seemed impressed as he examined the rich hangings of silvercloth caught up into knots and fastened with tiny silver axes. Upon ahandsome center-table stood a large silver oil-can, richly engraved withscenes from the past adventures of the Tin Woodman, Dorothy, the CowardlyLion and the Scarecrow: the lines of the engraving being traced upon thesilver in yellow gold. On the walls hung several portraits, that of theScarecrow seeming to be the most prominent and carefully executed, while athe large painting of the famous Wizard of Oz, in act of presenting the TinWoodman with a heart, covered almost one entire end of the room.

  While the visitors gazed at these things in silent admiration they suddenlyheard a loud voice in the next room exclaim:

  "Well! well! well! What a great surprise!"

  And then the door burst open and Nick Chopper rushed into their midst andcaught the Scarecrow in a close and loving embrace that creased him intomany folds and wrinkles.

  "My dear old friend! My noble comrade!" cried the Tin Woodman, joyfully."how delighted!," I am to meet you once again.

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  And then he released the Scarecrow and held him at arms' length while hesurveyed the beloved, painted features.

  But, alas! the face of the Scarecrow and many portions of his body boregreat blotches of putz-pomade; for the Tin Woodman, in his eagerness towelcome his friend, had quite forgotten the condition of his toilet and hadrubbed the thick coating of paste from his own body to that of his comrade.

  "Dear me!" said the Scarecrow dolefully. "What a mess I'm in!"
r />   "Never mind, my friend," returned the Tin Woodman," I'll send you to myImperial Laundry, and you'll come out as good as new."

  "Won't I be mangled?" asked the Scarecrow.

  "No, indeed!" was the reply. "But tell me, how came your Majesty here? andwho are your companions?"

  The Scarecrow, with great politeness, introduced Tip and Jack Pumpkinhead,and the latter personage seemed to interest the Tin Woodman greatly.

  "You are not very substantial, I must admit," said the Emperor. "but you arecertainly unusual, and therefore worthy to become a member of our selectsociety."

  "I thank your Majesty, said Jack, humbly.

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  "I hope you are enjoying good health?" continued the Woodman.

  "At present, yes;" replied the Pumpkinhead, with a sigh; "but I am inconstant terror of the day when I shall spoil."

  "Nonsense!" said the Emperor--but in a kindly, sympathetic tone. "Do not,I beg of you, dampen today's sun with the showers of tomorrow. For beforeyour head has time to spoil you can have it canned, and in that way it maybe preserved indefinitely."