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Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John Page 15
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Page 15
It did not take them very long to reach the river, a muddy littlestream set below high banks. By Dan'l's direction they turned tothe left and followed the wind of the river for a mile or so untilsuddenly out of the darkness loomed a quaint little bungalow which theold German claimed to be his home.
"I haf architectured it mineself, unt make it built as I like it. Youvill come in unt shtop der night mit me," he said, as Wampus haltedthe machine before the door.
There was a little murmur of protest at this, for the house appearedto be scarcely bigger than the automobile. But Uncle John pointed out,sensibly enough, that they ought not to undertake an unknown road atnighttime, and that Spotville, the town for which they wereheaded, was still a long way off. The Major, moreover, had a vividrecollection of his last night's bed upon the roof of the limousine,where he had crept to escape rattlesnakes, and was in no mood to againcamp out in the open while they traveled in Arizona. So he advocatedaccepting Dan'l's invitation. The girls, curious to know how so manycould be accommodated in the bungalow, withdrew all further objectionsand stood upon the low, pergola-roofed porch while their host wentinside to light the lamps.
They were really surprised at the cosy aspect of the place. Half theone-story dwelling was devoted to a living room, furnished simply butwith modest taste. A big square table was littered with music, muchbeing in manuscript--thus proving Dan'l's assertion that he wasa composer. Benches were as numerous as chairs, and all werewell-cushioned with tanned skins as coverings. A few good prints wereon the walls and the aspect of the place was entirely agreeable to theold man's guests.
As the room was somewhat chilly he made a fire in the ample fireplaceand then with an air of pride exhibited to his visitors his tinykitchen, his own bedroom and a storeroom, which occupied the remainderof the space in the bungalow. He told them he would prepare beds inthe living room for the girls, give his own room to Mr. Merrick andMajor Doyle, while he and Wampus would bunk in the storeroom.
"I haf much blankets," he said; "dere vill be no troubles to keepvarm."
Afterward they sat before the fire and by the dim lights of thekerosene lamps chatted together of the day's adventures.
Uncle John asked Dan'l what had brought him to this deserted,out-of-the-way spot, and the old man told his story in a manner thatamused them all greatly.
"I haf been," said he, "much famous in my time, unt had aindividualness pointed out whereeffer I went. I vas orchestra leaderat the Theater Royal in Stuttgart, unt our king haf complimented memany times. But I vas foolish. I vas foolish enough to think that vena man iss great he can stay great. I married me to a clefer primadonna, unt composed a great opera, which vas finer as anythingHerr Wagner has efer done. Eh? But dere vas jealousness at work toopposition me. Von day ven my fine opera vas all complete I ventto the theater to lead mine orchestra. To my surprisement der HerrDirector tells me I can retire on a pension; I am too old unt he hashired a younger man, who iss Herr Gabert. I go home bewildered untmishappy, to find that Herr Gabert has stole the score of mine operaunt run avay mit mine vife. Vot I can do? Nothing. Herr Gabert he leadmy orchestra tint all der people applauds him. I am forgot. One day Isee our king compliment Herr Gabert. He produces my opera unt say hecompositioned it. Eferybody iss crazy aboud id, unt crown Herr Gabertmit flowers. My vife sings in der opera. The people cheer her unt sherides avay mit Herr Gabert in his carriage to a grand supper mit dernobility unt der Herr Director.
"I go home unt say: 'Who am I?' I answer: 'Nobody!' Am I now great?No; I am a speck. Vot can I do? Veil, I go avay. I haf some money--aleedle. I come to America. I do not like crowds any more. I like to bealone mit my violin. I find dis place; I build dis house; I lif hereunt make happiness. My only neighbors are de remittance men, who issmore mischiefing as wicked. Dey vill nod bother me much. So after atime I die here. Vy nod? I am forgot in Stuttgart."
There was pathos in the tale and his way of telling it. The old manspoke cheerfully, but they could see before them the tragedy depictedby his simple words. His hearers were all silent when he hadconcluded, feeling they could say nothing to console him or lightenhis burden. Only Wampus, sitting in the background, looked scornfullyupon the man who had once been the idol of his townspeople.
Dan'l took a violin from a shelf and began to play, softly but withmasterly execution. He caught their mood instantly. The harmony wasrestful and contented. Patsy turned down the lamps, to let the flickerof the firelight dominate the room, and Dan'l understood and blendedthe flickering light into his melody.
For a long time he continued to improvise, in a way that fairlycaptivated his hearers, despite their varied temperaments, and madethem wonder at his skill. Then without warning he changed to astirring, martial air that filled the room with its rich, resonanttones. There was a fugue, a wonderful finale, and while the concludingnotes rang in their ears the old man laid his violin in his lap,leaned back against his cushions and heaved a deep sigh.
They forebore disturbing him for a while. How strange it seemed thatthis really talented musician should be banished to a wilderness whilestill possessing power to stir the souls of men with his marvelousexecution. Truly he was a "maestro," as he had said; a genius whosestar had risen, flashed across the sky and suddenly faded, leaving hisfuture a blank.
Wampus moved uneasily in his chair.
"I like to know something," he remarked.
Dan'l roused himself and turned to look at the speaker.
"You have one bad eye," continued Wampus, reflectively. "What make himso? You stick violin bow in eye some day?"
"No," grunted Dan'l.
"Bad eye he no make himself," persisted the little chauffeur. "Whatmake him, then?"
For a moment there was an awkward silence. The girls considered thispersonal inquiry offensive and regretted admitting Wampus to the room.But after a time the old German answered the question, quietly and ina half amused tone.
"Can you nod guess?" he said. "Herr Gabert hurt mine eye."
"Oh!" exclaimed Wampus, nodding approvingly "You fight duel with him?Of course. It mus' be."
"I haf one goot eye left, howefer," continued Dan'l. "It vill do mefery well. Dere iss nod much to see out here."
"I know," said Wampus. "But Herr Gabert. What happen to him?"
Again there was a pause. Then the German said slowly:
"I am nod rich; but efery year I send a leetle money to Stuttgart toput some flowers on Herr Gabert's grave."
The chauffeur's face brightened. He got up from his chair and solemnlyshook Dan'l's hand.
"You are great musician," he announced. "You can believe it, for it istrue. An' you have shake the hand of great chauffeur. I am Wampus."
Dan'l did not answer. He had covered his good eye with his hand.