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Sky Island Page 18



  Cap'n Bill had determined to fight desperately for their lives, but hewas a shrewd old sailorman and he found much that was reasonable in theWitch's assertion that fairies would protect them. He had often wonderedhow the Magic Umbrella could fly and obey spoken commands, but now heplainly saw that the thing must be directed by some invisible power, andthat power was quite likely to save them from the cruel death that hadbeen decreed. To be sure, the Magic Umbrella was now in the BlueCountry, and the fairies that directed its flight might be with theumbrella instead of with them, yet the old sailor had alreadyexperienced some strange adventures in Trot's company and knew she hadmanaged to escape every danger that had threatened. So he decided not tofight until the last moment, and meekly hobbled along the street, as hewas commanded to do. Trot was also encouraged by the Witch'ssuggestion, for she believed in fairies and trusted them; butButton-Bright could find no comfort in their situation and his face wasvery sad as he marched along by Trot's side.

  If they had followed the corkscrew windings of the street it would havebeen a long journey to the outer edge of the Pink Country, butTourmaline took a short cut, leading them through private gardens andeven through houses, so that they followed almost a bee line to theirdestination. It rained all the way and the walking was verydisagreeable; but our friends were confronting an important crisis intheir strange adventures and with possible death at their journey's endthey were in no hurry to arrive there.

  Once free of the City they traversed the open country, and here theyoften stepped into sticky pink mud up to their ankles. Cap'n Bill'swooden leg would often go down deep and stick fast in this mud, and atsuch times he would be helpless until two of the Pinkies--who were astrong people--pulled him out again.

  The parrot was getting its feathers sadly draggled in the rain and thepoor bird soon presented a wet and woebegone appearance.

  "Soak us again-- Drown us with rain!"

  it muttered in a resigned tone; and then it would turn to Trot and moan:

  "The rose is red, the violet's blue; The Pinkies are a beastly crew!"

  The country was not so trim and neatly kept near the edge, for it wasevident the people did not care to go too near to the dangerous place.There was a row of thick bushes, which concealed the gulf below, and asthey approached these bushes the rain abruptly ceased and the cloudsbegan to break and drift away in the sky.

  "Two of you seize the girl and throw her over," said Tourmaline, in acalm, matter-of-fact way, "and two others must throw the boy over. Itmay take four, perhaps, to lift the huge and ancient man."

  "More'n that," said Cap'n Bill, grimly. "I'm pretty sure it'll take allo' you, young lady, an' the chances are you won't do it then."

  They had halted a short distance from the bushes and now there suddenlyappeared through a rift in the clouds an immense Rainbow. It wasperfectly formed and glistened with a dozen or more superb tintings thatwere so vivid and brilliant and blended into one another so exquisitelythat every one paused to gaze enraptured upon the sight.

  Steadily, yet with wonderful swiftness, the end of the great bowdescended until it rested upon the pink field--almost at the feet ofthe little party of observers. Then they saw, dancing gaily upon thearch, a score of beautiful maidens, dressed in fleecy robes of rainbowtints which fluttered around them like clouds.

  "The Daughters of the Rainbow!" whispered Tourmaline, in an awed voice,and the Witch beside her nodded and said: "Fairies of the sky. What didI tell you, Tourmaline?"

  Just then one of the maidens tripped lightly down the span of the archuntil near the very end, leaning over to observe the group below. Shewas exquisitely fair, dainty as a lily and graceful as a bough swayingin the breeze.

  "Why, it's Polychrome!" exclaimed Button-Bright, in a voice of mingledwonder and delight. "Hello, Polly! Don't you remember me?"

  "Of course I remember Button-Bright," replied the maiden, in a sweet,tinkling voice. "The last time I saw you was in the Land of Oz."

  "Oh!" cried Trot, turning to stare at the boy with big, wide-open eyes;"were you ever in the Land of Oz?"

  "Yes," he answered, still looking at the Rainbow's Daughter; and then hesaid appealingly: "These people want to kill us, Polly. Can't you helpus?"

  "Polly wants a cracker!--Polly wants a cracker!" screeched the parrot.

  Polychrome straightened up and glanced at her sisters.

  "Tell Father to call for me in an hour or two," said she. "There iswork for me to do here, for one of my old friends is in trouble."

  With this she sprang lightly from the rainbow and stood besideButton-Bright and Trot, and scarcely had she left the splendid arch whenit lifted and rose into the sky. The other end had been hidden in theclouds and now the Rainbow began to fade gradually, like mist, and thesun broke through the clouds and shot its cheering rays over the PinkCountry until presently the Rainbow had vanished altogether and the onlyreminder of it was the lovely Polychrome standing among the wonderingband of Pinkies.

  "Tell me," she said gently to the boy, "why are you here, and why dothese people of the sky wish to destroy you?"

  In a few hurried words Button-Bright related their adventure with theMagic Umbrella, and how the Boolooroo had stolen it and they had beenobliged to escape into the Pink Country.

  Polychrome listened and then turned to the Queen.

  "Why have you decreed death to these innocent strangers?" she asked.

  "They do not harmonize with our color scheme," replied Tourmaline.

  "That is utter nonsense," declared Polychrome, impatiently. "You're sodreadfully pink here that your color, which in itself is beautiful, hasbecome tame and insipid. What you really need is some sharp contrast toenhance the charm of your country, and to keep these three people withyou would be a benefit rather than an injury to you."

  At this the Pinkies looked downcast and ashamed, while only Rosalie theWitch laughed and seemed to enjoy the rebuke.

  "But," protested Tourmaline, "the Great Book of Laws says our countryshall harbor none but the Pinkies."

  "Does it, indeed?" asked the Rainbow's Daughter. "Come, let us return atonce to your City and examine your Book of Laws. I am quite sure I canfind in them absolute protection for these poor wanderers."

  They dared not disobey Polychrome's request, so at once they all turnedand walked back to the City. As it was still muddy underfoot theRainbow's Daughter took a cloak from one of the women, partly rolled itand threw it upon the ground. Then she stepped upon it and began walkingforward. The cloak unrolled as she advanced, affording a constant carpetfor her feet and for those of the others who followed her. So, beingprotected from the mud and wet, they speedily gained the City and in ashort time were all gathered in the low room of Tourmaline's palace,where the Great Book of Laws lay upon a table.

  Polychrome began turning over the leaves, while the others all watchedher anxiously and in silence.

  "Here," she said presently, "is a Law which reads as follows: 'Everyonein the Pink Country is entitled to the protection of the Ruler and to ahouse and a good living, except only the Blueskins. If any of thenatives of the Blue Country should ever break through the Fog Bank theymust be driven back with sharp sticks.' Have you read this Law,Tourmaline?"

  "Yes," said the Queen; "but how does that apply to these strangers?"

  "Why, being in the Pink Country, as they surely are, and not beingBlueskins, they are by this Law entitled to protection, to a home andgood living. The Law does not say 'Pinkies,' it says any who are in thePink Country."

  "True," agreed Coralie, greatly pleased, and all the other Pinkiesnodded their heads and repeated: "True--true!"

  "The rose is red, the violet's blue, The law's the thing, because it's true!"

  cried the parrot.

  "I am indeed relieved to have you interpret the Law in this way,"declared Tourmaline. "I knew it was cruel to throw these poor peopleover the edge, but that seemed to us the only thi
ng to be done."

  "It was cruel and unjust," answered Polychrome, as sternly as her sweetvoice could speak. "But here," she added, for she had still continued toturn the leaves of the Great Book, "is another Law which you have alsooverlooked. It says: 'The person, whether man or woman, boy or girl,living in the Pink Country who has the lightest skin, shall be theRuler--King or Queen--as long as he or she lives, unless some one of alighter skin is found, and this Ruler's commands all the people mustobey.' Do you know this Law?"

  "Oh, yes," replied Tourmaline. "That is why I am the Queen. You willnotice my complexion is of a lighter pink than that of any other of mypeople."

  "Yes," remarked Polychrome, looking at her critically, "when you weremade Queen without doubt you had the lightest colored skin in all thePink Country. But now you are no longer Queen of the Pinkies,Tourmaline."

  Those assembled were so startled by this statement that they gazed atthe Rainbow's Daughter in astonishment for a time. Then Tourmalineasked:

  "Why not, your Highness?"

  "Because here is one lighter in color than yourself," pointing to Trot."This girl is, by the Law of the Great Book, the rightful Queen of thePinkies, and as loyal citizens you are all obliged to obey her commands.Give me that circlet from your brow, Tourmaline."

  Without hesitation Tourmaline removed the rose-gold circlet with itsglittering jewel and handed it to Polychrome, who turned and placed itupon Trot's brow. Then she called in a loud, imperative voice:

  "Greet your new Queen, Pinkies!"

  One by one they all advanced, knelt before Trot and pressed her hand totheir lips.

  "Long live Queen Mayre!" called out Cap'n Bill, dancing around on hiswooden leg in great delight; "vive la--vive la--ah, ah--Trot!"

  "Thank you, Polly," said Button-Bright gratefully. "This will fix us allright, I'm sure."

  "Why, I have done nothing," returned Polychrome, smiling upon him; "itis the Law of the Country. Isn't it surprising how little most peopleknow of their Laws? Are you all contented, Pinkies?" she asked, turningto the people.

  "We are!" they cried. Then several of the men ran out to spread the newsthroughout the City and Country, so that a vast crowd soon began togather in the Court of the Statues.