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Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John Page 17



  "So this is California!" exclaimed Patsy gleefully, as the automobileleft Parker and crossed the Arizona line.

  "But it doesn't look any different," said Myrtle, peering out of thewindow.

  "Of course not," observed Uncle John. "A State boundary is a man-madething, and doesn't affect the country a bit. We've just climbed aminiature mountain back in Arizona, and now we must climb a mate toit in California. But the fact is, we've entered at last the Land ofEnchantment, and every mile now will bring us nearer and nearer to theroses and sunshine."

  "There's sunshine here now," declared the Major. "We've had it rightalong. But I haven't seen the roses yet, and a pair of ear muffswouldn't be uncomfortable in this cutting breeze."

  "The air _is_ rather crisp," admitted Uncle John. "But we're still inthe mountainous district, and Haggerty says--"

  The Major coughed derisively and Mumbles barked and looked at UncleJohn sagaciously.

  "Haggerty says--"

  "Is that a rabbit or a squirrel? Something has caught the eye of ourMumbles," interrupted the Major, pointing vaguely across the mesa.

  "Haggerty says--"

  "I wonder if Mumbles could catch 'em," remarked the Major, withcomplacence.

  "He says that every mile we travel brings us nearer the scent of theorange blossoms and the glare of the yellow poppies," persisted UncleJohn. "You see, we've taken the Southern route, after all, for soon weshall be on the Imperial road, which leads to San Diego--in the heartof the gorgeous Southland."

  "What is the Imperial road?" inquired Beth.

  "The turnpike through Imperial Valley, said to be the richest bit ofland in all the world, not excepting the famous Nile banks of Egypt.There is no railway there yet, but the Valley is settling very fast,and Haggerty says--"

  "How remarkable!" exclaimed the Major, gazing straight ahead. Andagain Mumbles, curled in Patsy's lap, lifted his shaggy head and gavea wailing bark.

  Uncle John frowned, but was loyal to Haggerty.

  "He says that if America was now unknown to all the countries of theworld, Imperial would soon make it famous. They grow wonderful cropsthere--strawberries and melons the year around, as well as all thetropical and semi-tropical fruits and grains, flowers and vines knownto any country yet discovered."

  "Do we go to Imperial?" asked Myrtle, eagerly.

  "I think not, my dear; we just skirt the edge of the Valley. It'srather wild and primitive there yet; for although many settlers areflocking to that favored district Imperial is large enough to be anempire by itself. However, we shall find an ideal climate at Coronado,by the edge of the blue Pacific, and there and at Los Angeles we shallrest from our journey and get acquainted with the wonders of theGolden State. Has the trip tired you, girls?"

  "Not me," answered Beth, promptly. "I've enjoyed every mile of theway."

  "And so have I," added Patsy; "except perhaps the adventure with theremittance men. But I wouldn't care to have missed even that, for itled to our acquaintance with old Dan'l."

  "For my part," said Myrtle softly, "I've been in a real fairyland. Ithas seemed like a dream to me, all this glorious journey, and I shallhate to wake up, as I must in time."

  "Don't worry just yet about the awakening, dear," returned Patsy,leaning over to kiss her little friend. "Just enjoy it while you can.If fairylands exist, they were made for just such as you, Myrtle."

  "One of the greatest marvels of our trip," said the Major, with asmile, "is the improvement in our dear little invalid. It isn't thesame Myrtle who started out with us, believe me. Can't you all see thechange?"

  "I can _feel_ it," returned Myrtle, happily. "And don't you notice howwell I walk, and how little use I have now for the crutches?"

  "And can you feel the rosy cheeks and bright eyes, too?" asked UncleJohn, regarding her with much satisfaction.

  "The trip was just the thing for Myrtle," added Patsy. "She has grownstronger every day; but she is not quite well yet, you know, and Idepend a good deal upon the genial climate of California to insure hercomplete recovery."

  Uncle John did not reply. He remembered the doctor's assertion that apainful operation would be necessary to finally restore Myrtle to anormal condition, and his kindly heart disliked to reflect upon theordeal before the poor girl.

  Haggerty proved a prophet, after all. Each mile they covered openednew vistas of delight to the eager travelers. The air grew more balmyas they left the high altitudes and came upon the level country tothe north, of the San Bernardino range of mountains, nor was itlong before they sighted Imperial and sped through miles of countrycarpeted with the splendid yellow poppies which the State has adoptedas the emblems of California. And behind this golden robe loomed thecotton fields of Imperial, one of the most fascinating sights thetraveler may encounter. They made a curve to the right here, andheaded northerly until they came to Salton. Skirting the edge of thecurious Salton Sea they now headed directly west toward Escondido,finding the roads remarkably good and for long stretches as smooth andhard as an asphalt boulevard. The three days it took them to cross theState were days of wonder and delight.

  It was not long before they encountered the roses and carnationsgrowing on every side, which the Major had persistently declared to bemythical.

  "It seems all wrong," asserted Patsy's father, moodily, "for suchdelicate flowers to be growing out of doors in midwinter. And look atthe grass! Why, the seasons are changed about. It's Springtime justnow in California."

  "The man at the last stop we made told me his roses bloomed the yearround," said Patsy, "And just smell the orange blossoms, will you!Aren't they sweet, and don't they remind you of brides?"

  From Escondido it was a short run to the sea and their first glimpseof the majestic Pacific was from a high bluff overhanging the water.From this point the road ran south to San Diego, skirting the coastalong a mountain trail that is admitted to be one of the mostpicturesque rides in America.

  Descending the hills as they neared San Diego they passed throughfields of splendid wild flowers so extensive and beautiful thatour girls fairly gasped in wonder. The yellow and orange poppiespredominated, but there were acres of wild mustard throwing countlessnumbers of gorgeous saffron spikes skyward, and vistas of bluecarconnes, white daisies and blood-red delandres. The yucca was inbloom, too, and added its mammoth flower to the display.

  They did not halt at San Diego, the southernmost city of California,from whence the Mexican line is in plain sight, but drove to the bay,where Wampus guided the limousine on to the big ferryboat bound forCoronado. They all left the car during the brief voyage and watchedthe porpoises sporting in the clear water of the bay and gazedabstractedly at the waving palms on the opposite shore, where liesnestled "the Crown of the Pacific"--Coronado.